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HIVE 2020

Time: 2020-07-04 15:00:00
HCAS, Chennai
HIVE 2020

HIVE 2020


“A Dream we dream together is Success”

It’s carnival time again at HCAS…let’s come together for a season of celebration & competitions at HCAS with our HIVE 2020  - AN INTER DEPARTMENTAL VIRTUAL EXTRAVAGANZA - Inter-departmental Online Cultural Competitions with various contests...

Register now to win attractive prizes.....

Click To Register


Event 1: Variety-Solo (7/7/2020)

1. This is conducted through Zoom app. Each participant will be given a meeting ID with a password.

2. Time limit 3-4 minutes.

3. No vulgarity.

4. Any talent can be shown (mimicry, mono act, beat boxing)

5. Judge's decision will be final.

Event 2 : Meme Creation (9/7/2020)

1. Topic is based on the current affairs without vulgarity.

2. There should be a message in it.

 Event 3 :Ready Steady Action(Dubsmash) (23/7/2020)

1. No vulgarity

2. Sound track will be given to the participant.

3. It should be sent before a day.i.e 22/7/20

Event 4 : Sketching (28/7/2020& 30/7/2020)

1) There are 2 rounds - Prelims and Finals. No particular topic for prelims (free style).

2) For the Finals, the participants will be given a photo. They have to draw the same.

Event 5 : Step it up (solo dance) (6/8/2020)

1. Participant should record the video without any editing; it should be a single take.

2. No vulgarity.

3. Videos are to be sent a day before.

4. It should be based on some theme which includes creativity.

5. Time limit: 3-4 minutes.

Event 6 : Mobile Photography (13/8/2020)

1. No downloaded images should be used.

2.Without editing.

3.Topic will be announcedbefore a day i.e 12/8/2020

Event 7 :  Rhythmic beats(Solo Singing) (18/8/2020)

1.Participants should send a video recording of their performance. It should be sent a day before.

2.There is no particular topic. Any genre is fine.

3.Time limit ­– 1 minute.



Event 1: RJ Hunt (14/7/20 & 17/7/20)

1. This event will be conducted through the Zoom app. Each participant will be given a meeting ID with a password.

2. Time limit - 1 minute

3. There should be no vulgarity.

Event 2 : Wastomania (Junk Art)(21/7/2020)

1.The participants should record a video of them doing the Junk art and send it in a fast-forwarded speed.

2.The video should be sent beforehand.

(You can contact the in-charge for help in making video – Baskar – 8056997924&Mukesh - 7094942361

Event 3: Treasure hunt (4/8/2020)

1) The students will be given a Zoom meeting ID where the clues for the treasure hunt will be given.

2) The event will take place in the college website.

3) A motif should be located by the students in the website by hearing the clues given.

Event 4: Block and Tackle (11/8/2020)

1) Topic will be given on the spot.

2) Should be in English only.

3) The participant can use the pros and cons of the topic

EVENT 5: Chess (25/8/2020 & 27/8/2020)

1) The participants will be given a meeting ID to join. Different positions such as check mate in two moves, three moves etc.will be displayed and each participant will be given a chance to answer.

2) Participants get selected to the next level based on the speed they answer.

3) In the final round the participants play a team match (4 vs 4) through with clock timing 15mins each.


Event 6: Focused madness (Quiz) (20/8/2020)

1) There definitely will be a minimum of two questions regarding each department in the college.

2)The quiz will take place through KAHOOT.





Results & Announcements

The first live event  of HIVE 2020 which is RJ Hunt Prelims happened this evening.
The students gave their best performances.
In general a live event is carried out in a process where the participants give away their performances and the judge announces the results straight away, for the very first time in HIVE 2020 the judge of RJ Hunt Prelims have decided to announce the results after taking her time to decide and in the meanwhile the participants had their nail bitting moments in curiosity for knowing their results.
πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠThe wait is over now , we are happy to share the RJ Hunt Prelims round winners in our YouTube ChannelπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ
Short listed candidates will perform in final round on 16th July 2020....πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸ’
Shortlisted candidates are...
# Rohith - Visual Communication
# Anand - Visual Communication
# Antro Akash Rahul - Visual Communication
# Praveen MRS - B.Com General
# Mouleeswaran  - B.Com CS


Event 1: Variety-Solo (7/7/2020)

A shower of appreciation to all the eight talented participants who participated in Solo Variety of HIVE 2020 Virtual Extravaganza! ✨

The result for Solo Variety is out now and the prize winners are...
WINNER : J. ROHIT (B. Sc Visual Communication)
RUNNER : R. AKASH (B. Com Corporate Secretaryship)
Congratulations πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ






For Enquiry:-

Aishwarya M




Yuvaraj R

Vice President,


Mail ID:




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